What it is:

A sensual, fun, and flirty paraben-free product, the Tiramani Foaming Bath Gel helps maintain healthy skin, while providing a deeply-clean feeling and a wonderful scent that lasts all day long.

What it does:

The Tiramani Hydrating Body Lotion is a rich, yet lightweight lotion that absorbs quickly to offer deep moisture you can see and feel. Made with all-natural ingredients and free of parabens, this product is ideal for use on all skin types and can be used as often as needed.

What it does NOT contain:



Sweet and sharp with the citrusy tang of blood orange and white nectarine, smooth blooms of lily, night jasmine and calming cashmere musk, this scent will wake your senses while calming down to a pleasant finish. Glorious on the skin and appeals to both young and the young at heart.

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Customer Reviews
Reviews of Shelley Kyle Tiramani Hydrating Body Lotion 250ml

I like this lotion and I combined it with the shower gel. I love this product and scent.


I highly recommend Shelley Kyle’s TIRAMANI ‘S body lotion for those who love a perfectly balanced blend of white florals – I love jasmine in all forms – the hint of blood orange and bit of musk. Very silky lotion. Elegantly packaged. very quick delivery. I also received a generous 2 oz sample size ( perfect travel size) of her ANNABELLE hydrating body lotion along with sample of all her scents. And her candles are equally wonderful!


Love this product! Great lotion and the fragrance lasts a long time.


I first used the product because my friend had it. I love the smell and the richness of the lotion. It absorbs quickly and makes the skin softer instantly.


The packaging is very impressive for the price. Feeling great using this product.


It does not compete with perfumes and body sprays. My favorite body lotion.


Perfect Body Lotion ! This lotion is amazingly thick and actually hydrates my skin.


It smells so good but is not overpowering. I love this product.

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